Refresher Courses
MACCA’s Education Refresher Courses for AC Technicians
Recognizing the need to not only learn about new technologies and developments, but to also remain sharp and on-point with regards to the basics, MACCA’s Education Committee and Apprenticeship Instructors have developed a series of courses designed to keep AC Technicians at the top of their skill-set. These courses range from refrigeration and controls to electricity and maintenance. All courses are developed for those with a working knowledge of installation and service to hone in on their basic skill competency.
Certificates of Completion
At the conclusion of each of these courses, students are presented with Certificates of Completion for their records. Certificates will note the course completed, number of in-class hours, and the issuing program (MACCA).
For more information, contact the MACCA office. As they become available, course registration forms will be posted to this page and to the events calendar.
NOTE:These courses are NOT designed to replace appropriate Apprenticeship training and will not fulfill Florida Construction Industry Licensing Board renewal requirements. For more information about the MACCA Apprenticeship Program or CILB License renewal, please follow the below links.
Construction Industry Licensing Board contractor license renewal and continuing education information
MACCA’s Apprenticeship Program information