Application for membership shall be made as follows:

  1. A candidate shall submit this application in writing on a form supplied by the Association containing an agreement to abide by the by-laws and observe the code of ethics of the Association.
  2. The application shall be endorsed by an Association member in good standing and shall be accompanied by a payment, In advance, in an amount sufficient to cover the current year’s dues. All payments so made shall be returned in full if membership is not approved.
  3. The Board of Directors, in whom shall be invested the exclusive right to elect membership, shall Investigate all applications for membership. The Board shall take action on all applications at the next regular monthly meeting following publication.

Click here to download the membership application.


Classification Description Amount
Contractor Licensed contractor (Includes $140 State Dues) $799
Supplier Member Firms or individuals engaged in manufacturing, wholesaling, jobbing, and/or selling HVAC/R products, equipment, fuels and/or energy. $899
Associate Member Vendors, insurance companies and related trades or professions providing non-HVAC services. $899
Affiliate Member Government agencies and their employees, educators or educational institutions, trade and professional associations. $199
Optional Contribution YES, I would like to help SFACCA advocate for fair local ordinances and policies affecting the HVAC industry. $50
Make Monthly Payment for Dues Government agencies and their employees, educators or educational institutions, trade and professional associations. +5%
This includes membership for contractor members in FRACCA. SFACCA membership dues are not deductible as a charitable contribution for US Federal income tax purposes but may be deductible as an ordinary business expense. For 2019, FRACCA estimates that $66.71 constitutes the State portion of the lobbying expense that is nondeductible.


  1. Any member whose dues are not paid in full within two (2) months after they become due and payable may be dropped by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.
  2. Any member may be censored, suspended, or expelled from the Association only upon a vote of two-thirds 2/3 of the Association members present at any duly convened regular meeting.
  3. The Association shall have the right, in the event of the termination of membership of any person, firm, or corporation, voluntary or otherwise, to publish in a newspaper or newspapers of general circulation the fact that said person, firm, or corporation is no longer a member or in any way connected with the Association.